Monday, November 30, 2009

split into two very different lives...

life one:
with an amazing guy who is going great places in life, has his shit together, treats me as if im the only girl in the world and the only thing that matters. im his princess. he makes me feel amazing. i can go party with him and have a good time, i get freedom.

life two: with an also amazing guy, he is confused about what he is doing with his life but he is still going places. we have so much history together. hes my best friend. i love being in his company. i love him. one thought of him makes me cry. but life with him is different. i do what he does and hang with his friends not my own. i dont get any freedom or get to do what i want to do. to many restrictions.

i dont know who to choose. my only problem with life one is that im afraid i can never fully give my heart away to him because it still belongs to life two. :\. im stuck in a messy situation.

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