Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I love my hubby Patrick Kelley, sure we yell, fight, cry, but most of all we love. He is the only person i feel close to latley. Seems like all my friends are drifting away, but he always seems to stay right by my side. He's super goofy which makes my stomache tickle. Keeps me on my toes. I love mostly everything about him [ not a fan of his childish activities] but i can deal. I love how we can just sit on the rocks staring at the wavescrashing into them, & just talk about the ocean and talk about stuff & not have to worrie about impressing each other or hooking up. Patrick Kelley is seriously the best boyfriend ever, & to all the girls who broke his heart in the past, YOU ARE STUPID, but i'm glad you did, because if you didn't i wouldnt have such an amazing life. So i'm thanking you.

I love him for him, as he loves me for me.

Mi Amor.<3

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